If you’re picking up the collectibles while playing through the game for the first time, they’re all listed as they occur in our full walkthrough (linked below). But if you are hopping around the game mopping the collectibles up after completion, then you might find the guides in this article more useful. On this page, we present a full list of Treasure locations, in the order they appear in the in-game menu. On the following pages, we list Journal Notes, Journal Entries and Conversations in the order they crop up in the game. CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 10 (Note: list order deviates slightly from the order you’ll find them in.) CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 13 (Note: All these are located after the cutscene that involves you falling into a deep ravine - there’s nothing to collect until that point.) CHAPTER 14 (Note: Item 5 is physically located after item 7, and item 9 is physically located between 4 and 5.) CHAPTER 15 CHAPTER 16 CHAPTER 17 CHAPTER 18 CHAPTER 19 CHAPTER 20 CHAPTER 21 CHAPTER 22

  • On page 3, you’ll find a guide to collecting all Uncharted 4’s Journal Entries.
  • On page 4 of this guide we show you how to collect all the Optional Conversations in Uncharted 4. Other guides:
  • If you need help completing the main game, take a look at our Uncharted 4 walkthrough.