We’ll detail the exact location for each of them below, including a brief explanation of what they do and how to get them, so whether you’re looking for headliners like the Firecracker location, Umbrella location or Sabimaru location, we’ll have you covered. On this page: As you play through the game though, you’ll beging to find plenty more modifications for it - known as Prosthetic Tools. After you obtain one, go back to the Sculptor in the Dilapidated Temple and there he will be able to fit it for you, making it usable out in the wild when equipped in your inventory. You’ll have three slots for Prosthetics active at once - and able to be cycled through, much the same as quick items in your quick item menu - and managing which three you have equipped at once will be essential. Worth noting as well is that, after getting three Shinobi Prosthetics, you will be able to unlock the Skill Tree, allowing you to further upgrade your abilities and be able to use skills like using your Shinobi Prosthetics in the air. These are an essential part of the game, and some bosses and minibosses can have a knack to them, where the right Shinobi Prosthetic can make a huge difference. At Ashina Castle Gate, for example, you’re able to stagger the Blazing Bull miniboss by using the Shinobi Firecracker at the right time, allowing you to deal some well earned posture damage. Each Shinobi Prosthetic costs one or several Spirit Emblems on every use, meaning that you will only ever have limited uses of your Shinobi Prosthetic in battle. Thankfully those Emblems are pretty abundent - you earn them from most enemy kills, can find them loose in the world, and your maximum current storage of them can be upgraded from the skill tree - so use them sparingly, but do use them when you feel the need.

Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 48Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 51Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 11Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 62Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 63Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 29Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 6Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 27Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 77Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 81Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 36Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 26Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 8Sekiro Prosthetic Tool locations   all Shinobi Prosthetics including Firecracker  Sabimaru  Umbrella and what they do - 74