As confirmed on the game’s official website, Monster Hunter Rise’s first Free Title Update will expand the current creature roster by welcoming in Chameleos - a mist-themed Elder Dragon that debuted in 2006’s Monster Hunter 2. This, incidentally, is the same upcoming monster referred to as Onazuchi by the game’s Japanese Twitter feed. Chameleos will be joined by “several” additional new monsters in April’s Version 2.0 update, one of which will be the Apex Rathalos, as revealed at the end of Rise’s launch trailer below. That’s not quite the end of it either; Capcom has also announced it’ll be unlocking Rise’s HR cap (which currently stops at HR7) alongside “related features” as part of April’s Free Title Update - although its exact plans for Rise’s end-game are still unknown. Once Monster Hunter Rise’s Version 2.0 has been released, additional updates - promising more new monsters and other features - will follow. Capcom is yet to share specifics but it’s unlikely to be long before we hear more.