In what way, you might reasonably be wondering, is the Lunar Shift Special Edition Wireless Controller “surreal”? Is it perhaps formed from the whisper of a backward-speaking entity in a red-curtain-clad room? Does it droop provocatively across surfaces like a slowly melting pocket watch? Does it wear a snazzy top hat and rain in multitudes? Alas, none of those things; the Lunar Shift’s big gimmick is that - in a similar colour-changing fashion to last year’s Aqua Shift controller - it shifts from silver to gold as it catches the light. This, says, Microsoft, gives it a “stylised, smokey atmosphere”. Elsewhere, it features “mesmerising” rubberised grey and black swirl grips, a black underside, grey thumb sticks, and buttons that come in a mix of grey and white. If all that does it for you, the Xbox Wireless Controller – Lunar Shift Special Edition is available to purchase now and costs £59.99/$69.99 USD. Those that like to go all out on matching hardware, can also pick up the similarly styled Razer Universal Quick Charging Stand for Xbox – Lunar Shift edition for $49.99 USD.