Producer and director, Naoki Yoshida, confirmed that, while “extensive and persistent”, the errors will be resolved when the game goes into maintenance mode tomorrow, 16th May. It’s taken a full month to fix the issue, though. Back in April, Yoshida apologised to players for ongoing issues with the MMORPG’s new housing lottery system that prevented players from winning any land. Writing on the official website, he explain what the team was doing to address a problem in which players were being told their bids were unsuccessful because there “were no participants in this lottery”, or that the winning number was “0”… even though no players can be assigned that number. After tomorrow’s maintenance, however, the game will “properly relay lottery results for affected plots to the appropriate servers” and notify winners of their winning bids, even if they’d previously been erroneously told their bid had been unsuccessful. Consequently, all players - even those that had previously thought themselves unsuccessful and secured refunds - are urged to re-check their bids after tomorrow’s fix as winning lottery numbers will be displayed correctly and land purchases finalised accordingly. All temporary suspensions imposed on plot purchases and relocations will be lifted, too. All players will have ten days to confirm and finalise their land purchases if they’re a lottery winner, as the next lottery will go live on Thursday, 26th May, 2022. “Even if your deposit was refunded due to this system error, your ability to finalise the purchase of a won plot will remain unaffected,” Yoshida explains. “As these housing lottery issues have been significant and caused great stress and frustration in many players, we have no intention of performing a data rollback to forcibly rescind any refunded gil. We will make an announcement regarding the voluntary return of housing deposits once the NPC in question is ready to be implemented.” Square Enix recently released its financial results for the past year, which reveals the company has been kept afloat thanks to the success of Final Fantasy 14.