In a statement posted on Twitter, the lead technical adviser and project manager of Fallout: London, a “DLC-sized” mod for Fallout 4, have both been offered jobs; the former as an associate level designer, and the latter a chance to work on Fallout 76. Ryan Johnson took up the new job as an associate level designer, albeit only after ensuring his “expected level design tasks” for the mod were complete and succession planning was in place. Dean Carter, however, decided not to take the Fallout 76 position as they wanted to “continue working [on] Fallout: London until the end”. “It is worth remembering that many people try and use large-scale mod projects like this for pure CV padding and routes into the industry,” the statement explains (thanks, NME). “But some people, like [Carter], do it truly for the community, for the team, for YOU. “[It is] easy to turn down your life dream to return to working on a project for free, so I’ve given him this mention as his selfessness and dedication to the team is something we should ALL appreciate”.